All Taiwanese, Steakhouse and Burgers Restaurants with Delivery, Takeout and Curbside Pickup near Greenwood & Phinney Ridge
Showing locations near 98101

Barking Dog Alehouse

Cool neighborhood pub in Greenwood with a great beer selection (specializing in Belgian brews) and an eclectic food menu (sesame seared-ahi salad). Too bad the…
705 NW 70th St
Phinney Ridge

74th Street Ale House

This cozy neighborhood ale house has high ceilings, a dark bar, and old-fashioned pub signs—a convivial space usually filled with happy regulars. The bee…
7401 Greenwood Ave N
Phinney Ridge

Hangry Panda

This Taiwanese bubble tea shop serves drinks like Hong Kong milk tea and "panda milk" (black sesame swirled with milk and topped with salted cream cheese foam)…
7815 Aurora Ave N
Phinney Ridge

FlintCreek Cattle Co.

Named Seattle Met's "2017 Restaurant of the Year," FlintCreek Cattle Co. does indeed serve cattle and lots of it, plus other tasty things like pastas and salad…
8421 Greenwood Ave N

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