All Ice Cream, Burgers and Italian Restaurants with Good for Groups near Green Lake & Wallingford

Tutta Bella Neapolitan Pizzeria

The five Tutta Bellas (Tuttas Bella?) specialize in certified Neapolitan pies: thin-’n’-blistery crust made with fresh ingredients, from the hammy prosciutto e…
4411 Stone Way N

Dick's Drive-In Restaurant

Dick’s is an old-school drive-in burger joint, open late and super cheap. The burgers are flat and, to be honest, sometimes a tiny bit gristly, and the fries a…
111 NE 45th St

Leny's Place

Let's let Leny's speak for itself: "Do you often long for the taste of a cold and very large beer? Does the sound of a delicious burger being washed down by sa…
2219 N 56th St

Greenlake Bar & Grill

This laidback, longtime Green Lake mainstay serves simple bar food like burgers and tacos.

This restaurant is offering 10% off all pick-up orders.
7200 E Green Lake Dr N
Green Lake

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