All Taiwanese, Burgers and Filipino Restaurants with Delivery & Takeout near SoDo, Chinatown-International District, South Park and Georgetown
Showing locations near 98101

Hood Famous Cafe and Bar

The beloved Ballard bakeshop, famous for its Filipino-inspired specialties such as ube cheesecake, has expanded to the International District with a new locati…
500 Fifth Ave S
Chinatown-International District

TP Tea

Customers at this popular Taiwanese milk tea chain can customize their drinks with different sweetness levels, ice levels, and add-ons, including tapioca pearl…
679 S King St
Chinatown-International District

Slim's Last Chance Chili Shack and Watering Hole

Slim’s has a great country-time roadhouse vibe; in summertime, bands play on the bed of an old Ford F-600 in the big backyard while happy people lounge at picn…
5606 First Ave S

Loretta's Northwesterner

From the owner of Georgetown’s beloved 9 Lb. Hammer comes this South Park bar that’s comfortable to a degree that could be hazardous to your liver’s health. Dr…
8617 14th Ave S
South Park

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