All Bakery & Caribbean Restaurants with Takeout & Delivery near Wallingford, Green Lake, Eastside, West Queen Anne and East Queen Anne
Showing locations near 98101

Fuji Bakery

Baker Taka Hirai spent three years at Joel Robuchon’s three-Michelin-starred restaurant in Tokyo before helping start Fuji Bakery in Seattle. He is no longer w…
1030 Elliott Ave W
West Queen Anne

Macrina Cafe and Bakery

Macrina is often cited as Seattle’s best bakery, and for good reason. Go see for yourself why over the weekend, when the Queen Anne location serves up a specia…
615 W McGraw St
West Queen Anne

Eltana Wood-Fired Bagel Cafe

Eltana’s bagels are hand-rolled for chewy deliciousness, wood-fired for more handsomeness, and smaller than most, along the lines of the bagels found in Montre…
3920 Stone Way N

Trophy Cupcakes

Trophy amps up the cupcake indulgence factor by piling on lots of tasty frosting and offering a variety of flavors (rotating every day of the week and every se…
1815 N 45th St, Suite 209

Pam's Kitchen

Roti and curry are the stars of Pam Jacob’s Wallingford kitchen, which turns out plate after plate of meat, potato and chickpeas that have been stewed in…

1715 N 45th St

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