All Pan-Asian, Korean and African/Pan-African/Moroccan Restaurants with Free Wi-Fi near Seattle

Cook Weaver

After fatefully meeting on Craigslist, owners Zac Reynolds and Nile Klein bridged their culinary talent and experience (Reynolds is the chef and Klein is the m…
806 East Roy Street
Capitol Hill

Roaring Bowl

Located near Metropolitan Market in Lower Queen Anne, Roaring Bowl specializes in you-cook-it-at-your-table Japanese shabu shabu, with the thin slices of meat,…
516 First Ave N


With Chef Toshiyuki Kawai at the helm, Iconiq (iconic + unique) meshes together French cooking techniques with Japanese flavors and ingredients. The resulting …
1421 31st Ave S
Mount Baker

Indo Cafe

If you want the sit-down Indonesian dining experience, you need to head up to the edge of the city limits—Aurora Avenue North and 137th Street—to Indo Cafe. In…
13754 Aurora Ave N
Haller Lake

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