All Ethiopian/Eritrean, Hawaiian/Polynesian and African/Pan-African/Moroccan Restaurants with Dog Friendly near Seattle
Showing locations near 98101

Hula Hula

Hula Hula is a tiki-themed drinking paradise: bamboo wainscoting, thatched roofing around the bar, pufferfish made into lamps, and surfboards etc. stuck to the…
1501 E Olive Way
Capitol Hill

Marination Mobile

Marination Mobile’s shiny truck roams all over the city bringing Hawaiian-Korean food to the people. If you want to sit down (and have a beer) with your Marina…
Various locations

L&L Hawaiian Barbecue

Based on the Hawaiian concept of the plate lunch, this SeaTac outpost of the beloved chain serves up surfer-comfort-food classics like loco moco, Spam musubi, …
18613 International Blvd

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