All Kosher, Ice Cream Restaurants, Bars and Weed Locations with Gift Cards, Covered Patio Seating, Takeout and Heated Patio Seating near Seattle

Rachel's Ginger Beer

People who love Rachel's Ginger Beer and/or ice cream and/or alcohol (or ALL THREE TOGETHER), commence freaking out: This combo soda fountain/bar is brought to…
1530 Post Alley
Pike Place Market

Hot Cakes Molten Chocolate Cakery

Autumn Martin, former Canlis pastry chef and Theo head chocolatier (and fourth-generation Washingtonian), makes all-organic desserts from carefully sourced, lo…
1650 E Olive Way
Capitol Hill

Eastern Cafe

This spacious, high-ceilinged ID spot has coffee, tea, sandwiches, crepes, and gelato, plus beer, wine, and cocktails, too.
510 Maynard Ave S
Chinatown-International District

Perihelion Brewery

Beacon Hill’s first brewery, with 12 taps of rotating beer, cider, and mead, specializes in Belgian ales, including saisons brewed with fruit. The menu of “Nor…
2800 16th Ave S
Greater Duwamish

Hot Cakes Molten Chocolate Cakery

Autumn Martin, former Canlis pastry chef and Theo head chocolatier (and fourth-generation Washingtonian), makes all-organic desserts from carefully sourced, lo…
5427 Ballard Ave NW

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