Recommended Bars, Retail & Hobbies and Pubs with Takeout & Delivery near Phinney Ridge & Greenwood

Bongos Cafe

Bongos serves delicious Caribbean food with zero pretensions, and the restaurant, tucked into a triangular plot of land on Aurora, just off Green Lake, is prac…
6501 Aurora Ave N
Phinney Ridge

Mai Thaiku

Good Thai food abounds in Seattle, but Phinney Ridge’s Mai Thaiku leads the charge to greatness. While the kitchen dabbles expertly in popular favorites like p…
6705 Greenwood Ave N
Phinney Ridge

Bluebird Microcreamery

Bluebird crafts wonderful, ultra-smooth small-batch ice cream in flavors like chocolate pudding, Elysian stout, and snickerdoodle, as well as an array of from-…
7400 Greenwood Ave N
Phinney Ridge

Seattle ReCreative

The recycled-material shop, an absolute must-visit for thrifty DIYers, also conducts single-day workshops on subjects like art journaling and bookmaking.
8408 Greenwood Ave N

FlintCreek Cattle Co.

Named Seattle Met's "2017 Restaurant of the Year," FlintCreek Cattle Co. does indeed serve cattle and lots of it, plus other tasty things like pastas and salad…
8421 Greenwood Ave N

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