Recommended Restaurants with Breakfast/Brunch & Breakfast Brunch near Rainier Valley, Mount Baker, Beacon Hill, Columbia City and Hillman City


Though the local pizza chain boasts four locations, the one you want to go to is the original spot, about a half mile up from the Mount Baker light rail statio…
3601 S McClellan St
Mount Baker

Columbia City Bakery

At this neighborhood bakery owned by two former Tom Douglas bakers, the pastries are great, but the bread is out of this world. They also serve Caffe Vita coff…
4865 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Island Soul Restaurant

Owner Theo Martin has created a space that is as much a community gathering spot as it is a restaurant. But make no mistake, the people come hungry for the Car…
4869 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Afrikando Banadir

Fans of departed so-nice-they-named-it-twice Afrikando Afrikando, rejoice: Chef Jacques Saar is back, in the former Banadir space on Rainier, close to downtown…
5212 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

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