All Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurants, Weed Locations, Retail & Hobbies and Restaurants with Curbside Pickup, Takeout and Delivery near Fremont, First Hill and Capitol Hill
Showing locations near 98101

Plum Bistro

Plum Bistro is a pleasantly upscale, 100 percent vegan restaurant. Even for a lifelong vegetarian, a visit to Plum can feel like a taste-test in a laboratory o…
1429 12th Ave
Capitol Hill

Eve Fremont

Eve, with its gigantic mural of a nude woman resting on her side (presumably the original Eve), serves a clean food and drink menu with a focus on whole and un…
704 N 34th St

Kamakura Japanese Cuisine and Sushi

The popular Lacey sushi restaurant Kamakura Japanese Cuisine has opened a location in Fremont. In addition to a menu of sushi, sashimi, bento boxes, and Japane…
3520 Fremont Ave N

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