All Chinese, Barbecue, Cafe Restaurants and Pubs near Seattle

S/T Hooligans

This bar in the former home of the Leary Traveler slings hearty, Southern-influenced gastropub grub with Northwest ingredients, including chipotle-garlic fries…
4354 Leary Way NW

The Bridge

After losing its former home (because condos), the Bridge moved to the old Chuck and Sally’s Tavern location. While they’re no longer right next to the West Se…
6301 California Ave SW
Fairmount Park


This exclamatory California-based upscale burger chain has tons of craft beers on tap and lots of kinds of whiskey (which may come in handy in University Villa…
2614 NE 46th St
Northeast Seattle

The Dray

Ballard's excellent pub/bottle shop/cafe is paneled in wood, but it's not wood-paneled in a '70s-rec-room way. The reclaimed fir planks are a toasty cedar colo…
708 NW 65th St
Phinney Ridge

Duck Island Ale House

Duck Island is a comfy little pub just off Green Lake on Aurora. It has a full menu, an excellent jukebox, a great selection of beers, an oft-uninhabited pool …
7317 Aurora Ave N
Phinney Ridge
(206) 783-3360

The Shambles

Named for England's famous street that was once home to dozens of butchers in the 1800s, the Brit-inspired brick restaurant features a secret room behind a mov…
7777 15th Ave NE
Northeast Seattle
(206) 659-0074

Gabriel's Fire

At barbecue joint Gabriel’s Fire, Gabe and his brother make it dry-rub-style, then you choose from various sauces. Sandwiches come on Grand Central Bakery roll…
5803 244th St SW
Mountlake Terrace

The Spar

The Spar is a really, really great old-fashionedy tavern in Tacoma with good burgers and house-made potato chips.
2121 N 30th St
North End

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