All Wine Bar near Ravenna, University District, Roosevelt, Pioneer Square, Sand Point, Wedgwood, Maple Leaf and Downtown Seattle

Metropolitan Grill

The Metropolitan Grill, located in the heart of downtown, is home to one of the world's best collections of premium West Coast red wines. Its sister restaurant…
820 Second Ave
Downtown Seattle
316 Virginia Street
Downtown Seattle

Sake Nomi

Johnnie Stroud and his partner, Taiko Stroud (who also happens to be his bride), do not deal in bad sake. Their stock-in-trade at their wonderful little Pionee…
76 S Washington St
Pioneer Square

The Estates Wine Room

As the Northwest wine industry grows, so does the number of tasting rooms in Seattle. The Estates Wine Room offers an urban wine experience, pouring flights an…
307 Occidental Ave S
Pioneer Square

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