All Cafe, Taiwanese Restaurants, Bookstores and Wine Bar with Takeout & Delivery near Seattle
Showing locations near 98101

Mr. West

From the owners of Madrona’s popular wine shop/cafe Bottlehouse comes Mr. West, a similarly minded cafe and bar that is open weekdays. For breakfast, there are…
720 Olive Way, Suite 103
Pike Pine Retail Core


The Seattle company Trucup, which produces low-acid coffee for people who aren't able to drink coffee due to health issues and distributes it online and to hos…
610 Terry Avenue
First Hill

Ada's Technical Books

This beautiful, smart, science-obsessed bookshop—where Horizon Books used to be on Capitol Hill's 15th Avenue East—sells technical electronic manuals, computer…
425 15th Ave E
Capitol Hill

Mr. West

The menu at this bar/cafe from the owners of owners of Bottlehouse in Madrona includes espresso, wine, beer, spirits, charcuterie, egg sandwiches, avocado toas…
2685 NE Village Lane
Northeast Seattle

Empire Espresso

Empire Espresso is a little piece of locally owned awesomeness in Columbia City featuring great coffee (from Seattle Coffee Works), great panini, beer and wine…
3829 S Edmunds St A
Rainier Valley

Sound & Fog Coffee / Wine Bar / Beer

They say, "Sound & Fog is a cafe featuring rotating roasters, beer from local breweries, and a significant offering of seasonal wines."
4735 40th Ave SW
153 N 78th St
Phinney Ridge

Couth Buzzard Books Espresso Buono Cafe

This used bookstore is quite the neighborhood hub, hosting a bunch of readings and open mics. There's a tasty cafe, too.
8310 Greenwood Ave N

Kaffa Coffee & Wine Bar

Between the heady mix of berbere, coffee, and incense in the air, you may catch a little buzz. There's an attention to detail here—red onions, jalapeños, and t…
8136 Rainier Ave S
(206) 453-3558

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