Recommended Nightclubs near First Hill & Capitol Hill

Q Nightclub

Q's interior is sort of like where you'd expect the cast of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine to party — a wavy collection of pillars and rounded walls in a cavernous…
1426 Broadway
Capitol Hill


With its high ceilings and mirrored bar, Havana is airy and elegant, and serves mojitos for as long as you want them. Every night has a different DJ, usually a…
1010 E Pike St
Capitol Hill
(206) 323-CUBA

Queer Bar

Queer Bar is a bar that adds a lot of queer energy to this legendary Capitol Hill block. They hold live drag performances every Friday and Saturday night, with…

1518 11th Ave
Capitol Hill


The gays know how to have fun: They know it, you know it, I know it, and Pony is more fun per inch than anywhere in town, if not the world.
1221 E Madison St
Capitol Hill

Chop Suey

Following an ownership-changeover, Chop Suey has gone from oddly Asian-themed bar and secret live music powerhouse underdog to still confusingly decorated musi…
1325 E Madison St
Capitol Hill

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