All Kosher, Indian, Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurants and Neighborhood Joint near Seattle

World Pizza

Fifteen years after they shut their Belltown shop down, brothers Adam Cone and Aaron Crosleycone (he got married and got a new combo-name) reopened World Pizza…
672 S King St
Chinatown-International District

The Neighbor Lady

The good people of the Twilight Exit run the Neighbor Lady, where Thompson’s Point of View used to be. Its “urban-bordello” theme includes old-fashionedy patte…
2308 E Union St
Central District

Cafe Flora

Cafe Flora was born in 1991 of a utopian dream. It was to be—according to the harmonious views of three Madison Valley friends—the perfect restaurant: communit…
2901 E Madison St
Madison Valley
Temporarily Closed

Flowers Bar & Restaurant

Located on the Ave, Flowers gets a diverse group of customers, but the regulars are UW students who aren't down for frat row. It's comfortable and has a full …
4247 University Way NE
Northeast Seattle

Georgetown Liquor Company

Georgetown Liquor Company doesn’t actually make booze, but it’s a neighborhood favorite for drinks as well as high-minded vegetarian pub grub (creative salads,…
5501 Airport Way S
Greater Duwamish

Smarty Pants

A vast array of hot sandwiches—every damn one of 'em available vegetarian-style with homemade field roast—served up in a charmingly funky space. Also, Frito pi…
6017 Airport Way S
Greater Duwamish


Thrive says: "We support the eating of fresh, organic, plant-based raw foods and aim to provide a comprehensive array of high-quality products and services to …
1026 NE 65th St, Ste A102
Northeast Seattle

Bengal Tiger

Bengal Tiger is decorated with tons of tigers, doing every possible thing a tiger can do. Don't let that distract you from the Indian food, which is rumored to…
6509 Roosevelt Way NE
Northeast Seattle

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