All Sushi, Malaysian Restaurants and Bars & Clubs near Chinatown-International District & Eastlake

Maneki Restaurant

In its 100-plus years of existence, Maneki has only had one major interruption to business: when it shut down because the US government sent Japanese Americans…
304 Sixth Ave S
Chinatown-International District

Ten Sushi

You'll find fusion-style sushi rolls, to-go bento boxes, Japanese whiskey, sake, and shochu at this Japanese-style izakaya, not to mention karaoke.
1207 S Jackson St.
Chinatown-International District

Sushi Kappo Tamura

Sushi Kappo Tamura owner/sushi chef Taichi Kitamura emphasizes sustainable fish. The sushi is among the best in town. Commensurately, the prices are on the hig…
2968 Eastlake Ave E

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