All American Restaurants & Bars near Ballard & Crown Hill

Hattie's Hat

With stiff drinks and good food, Hattie’s is one of Ballard’s most beloved dives. The all-American menu has everything from classic burgers with sweet-potato f…
5231 Ballard Ave NW

Egan's Ballard Jam House

During the evenings, it's a music venue/restaurant, but during the day, Egan's acts as a community center for jazz education and informal performances. The din…
1707 NW Market St

Corner Spot Ballard

Former Zig Zag Cafe co-owner Kacy Fitch is behind this new neighborhood bar in the former space of the Crooked Nail. There's a menu of soups, salads, sandwiche…
1556 NW 56th St

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