Recommended Latin American, American Restaurants and Bars near Seattle

Deluxe Bar & Grill

The Deluxe Bar and Grill has been in the same location since 1962, and along the way has managed to amass a very loyal following. People especially like the sa…
625 Broadway E

Fonda La Catrina

Fonda la Catrina, and its adjacent fish-focused sister restaurant El Sirenito, are true Georgetown gems. Fonda serves contemporary, slightly fancier versions o…
5905 Airport Way S
Greater Duwamish

Tempero Do Brasil

Seattle’s oldest Brazilian restaurant is located in a U-District house, and on any given Saturday night, there are a few dozen people packed into its “living r…
5628 University Way NE
Northeast Seattle

Hattie's Hat

With stiff drinks and good food, Hattie’s is one of Ballard’s most beloved dives. The all-American menu has everything from classic burgers with sweet-potato f…
5231 Ballard Ave NW

La Isla

If you’re a friend of the deep-fryer, head to this Puerto Rican eatery and rum bar and order a mixed appetizer platter. It’s a little bit of crispy-fried heave…
7330 164th Ave NE
Downtown Redmond

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