All Burgers Restaurants & Bars with Heated Patio Seating, Takeout and Covered Patio Seating near Capitol Hill, Eastlake, First Hill and Belltown

Linda's Tavern

Under the baleful watch of a taxidermied buffalo, Capitol Hill has hung out at Western-themed Linda's with shots and pitchers of beer for two-plus decades now,…
707 E Pine St
Capitol Hill

Skillet Regrade

The fourth location of Skillet, the popular diner that serves fresh, locally-sourced comfort food, doesn’t stray from the familiar. There’s the burger with ba…
2050 Sixth Ave
(206) 512-2002

Skillet Capitol Hill

The Capitol Hill outpost of Skillet diner offers breakfast, lunch and dinner, each good. People go crazy for the gargantuan cinnamon roll, the "Serious Toast" …
1400 E Union St
Capitol Hill

Otter Bar and Burger

This comfy, casual neighborhood burger joint features specialty burgers and a “not burgers” menu of other offerings like New York-style Reubens and jerk chicke…
2379 Eastlake Ave E

Eastlake Bar and Grill

Once you're ensconced on the Eastlake Bar and Grill's deck, gazing out upon sparkly Lake Union with a happy-hour beverage at hand, you might begin to feel like…
2947 Eastlake Ave E

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