All Mexican, Cafe Restaurants, Bars and Weed Locations with Covered Patio Seating, Takeout, Livestreaming and Heated Patio Seating near First Hill & Capitol Hill
Showing locations near 98101

Fogón Cocina Mexicana

The owners of Capitol Hill’s Fogón Cocina Mexicana were born in Mexico, the restaurant is staffed with family and friends, and the service is friendly and cons…
600 E Pine St
Capitol Hill

Oddfellows Cafe + Bar

Created by bar maven Linda Derschang (of Linda's, etc.), Oddfellows is a crowd-pleasing Capitol Hill fixture. The space—a giant, high-ceilinged, beautifully be…
1525 10th Ave
Capitol Hill


An upscale Mexican concept featuring 14,000 hand-painted tiles with craft/artisanal/etc. cocktails, handmade tortillas, queso fundido, and an enclosed patio wi…
1000 E Pike St
Capitol Hill


The Heavy Restaurant Group—that is, downtown's, Kirkland's, Woodinville's, and Bellevue's Purple Cafe and Wine Bars, as well as Lot No. 3 in Bellevue and The C…
1420 12th Ave
Capitol Hill

Rachel's Ginger Beer

At the second location featuring Rachel Marshall's wildly popular ginger beer, the original, as well as seasonal flavors, flow from taps in both their pure for…
1610 12th Ave
Capitol Hill

Nacho Borracho

It can be argued with some confidence that the most urban intersection in Seattle is Broadway and East John Street, particularly at rush hour, when big-city cr…
209 Broadway E
Capitol Hill

Harry's Fine Foods

The funky little corner store on Bellevue and Mercer that held down the North Capitol Hill neighborhood for years has been reborn as an airy, chic cafe. Owner …
601 Bellevue Avenue E
Capitol Hill

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