All Japanese, Hawaiian/Polynesian Restaurants, Bars and Pubs with Outdoor Dining near Seattle

Tamari Bar

Suika owner Makato Kimoto opened up another izakaya place called Tamari Bar right down the street from Suika last February. The two pubs serve similar fare, bu…
500 E Pine St
Capitol Hill
(206) 979-8800

Hula Hula

Hula Hula is a tiki-themed drinking paradise: bamboo wainscoting, thatched roofing around the bar, pufferfish made into lamps, and surfboards etc. stuck to the…
1501 E Olive Way
Capitol Hill


Makoto Kimoto, the owner of Suika and Tamari Bar, runs this bustling izakaya on Capitol Hill. The spot takes inspiration from the Japanese tale of the fisherma…

224 Broadway East
Capitol Hill

Marination Ma Kai

Marination’s brick-and-mortar location at the Alki water-taxi dock (“ma kai” means “near the sea” in Hawaiian) has all the island-fusion favorites familiar to …
1660 Harbor Ave SW
North Admiral


Tom Douglas alum Brian Madayag has opened a Pacific Island seafood-focused getaway in Edmonds, with tropical tiki cocktails and frosty adult slushies to comple…
622 5th Ave S
The Bowl of Edmonds
(425) 670-2222

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