All Salads, French Restaurants, Bars and Pubs with Delivery, Livestreaming and Takeout near Belltown & Fremont
Showing locations near 98101

Lady Yum

Joining its sibling locations in Kirkland and Sea-Tac Airport, this is Lady Yum's newest Seattle-proper spot. The concept is both a macaron lover's dream and a…
2130 6th Ave Seattle


Star bartender Erik Hakkinen (formerly of Pike Place's Zig Zag Cafe) opened this romantic new French-inspired Belltown bar, featuring interpretations of the Ne…
2232 First Ave

Eve Fremont

Eve, with its gigantic mural of a nude woman resting on her side (presumably the original Eve), serves a clean food and drink menu with a focus on whole and un…
704 N 34th St

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