All Burgers Restaurants, Bars, Bookstores and Gyms with Covered Patio Seating, Heated Patio Seating, Livestreaming, Delivery and Takeout near Ballard & Crown Hill
Showing locations near 98101

Bramling Cross

The menu at Ethan Stowell’s Bramling Cross runs the gamut from familiar pub fare (chicken wings, burgers, wedge salad) to less expected items like raw oysters,…
5205 Ballard Ave NW

King's Hardware

This western-style bar, brother to Capitol Hill's beloved Linda's Tavern, is a good place to share a pitcher, but be warned that it's almost always crowded. Wh…
5225 Ballard Ave NW

8oz. Burger and Co.

Joining its Capitol Hill cousin of the same name and owner, Ballard's 8oz. Burger has proven to be just as popular as its first location. The menu is roughly t…
2409 NW Market St

Lockspot Cafe

The Lockspot reminds one of a small-town bar—it's got wood paneling, a pool table, and a jukebox bursting with Bob Seger, AC/DC, and Van Halen. The food …
3005 NW 54th St

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