Tim Cross

This event is in the past
Every Tuesday–Saturday, through June 27
Linda Hodges Gallery Pioneer Square (Seattle)
"Seattle artist Tim Cross has produced a nature-based body of work including ink on paper pieces along with gouache on both silk and canvas.

The large canvases consist of an allover mark making reverie that is both decorative and realistic. A quick glance sees abstraction. A longer look reveals representational details that place the works as landscapes conjured up in the mind. Cross willfully rejects a clear division between representation and abstraction. Instead there is a rhythmic interplay between decorative marks and nature-based subjects.

Cross thrives on creative invention and developing visual languages. He received a 2007 Artist Trust GAP grant for materials and time to develop a new series of drawings and paintings on paper and canvas. Using an assortment of paints, colored liquids, liquid paper, and matches, Cross created work that combined drawn natural and organic forms with traced and transferred parts of machines and assorted architectural images. The work combined his interests in architecture and construction with his passion for nature and the processes of growth and decay." (Promo Copy)

Event Location

Linda Hodges Gallery

316 First Ave S Seattle, Washington 98104 Venue website

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